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Highlighting the unique history of a Minneapolis rowhouse

"New History brought efficiency and professionalism to this process. Their project management skills and extensive experience were invaluable in guiding our team through this project."

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Minneapolis, MN​


Private building owners​




2021 - 2022​


Historical research, local landmark designation study​

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Historical research highlights the distinctive character of a Minneapolis rowhouse.​



The Mayhew Rowhouses have provided housing for Minneapolis residents for nearly 140 years. Developed as a single property in 1886, the building is part of a collection of rowhouses and apartment buildings in the city’s Elliott Park neighborhood constructed during the late 1800s and early 1900s, known as the South Ninth Street Historic District. Today, the property has several owners, who wanted to understand and highlight the history of their unique building through designation as a local historic landmark.



Through archival research and on-site investigation, New History demonstrated the building’s unique historic significance, highlighting its distinctive character as one of the district’s most elaborately designed rowhouses and an excellent example of the work of prominent Minneapolis architect Frederick Clarke. Local landmark designation will help keep the building in use and relevant, allowing it to continue to fulfill its historic residential function. Since the historic district is certified for historic tax credits, the Mayhew Rowhouses and other buildings in the neighborhood can access state and federal historic tax credits for improvements and redevelopment.

NEW HISTORY  |  575 9th St SE Suite #215  |  Minneapolis, MN  55414  |  (612) 843-4140
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