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Easton Water Tower

Evaluating the historic significance of Easton's iconic "tin-man"

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Easton, MN

City of Easton, Bolton & Menk Inc.



Historical research, evaluation of National Register of Historic Places eligibility, Minnesota Historic Property Record

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Historical research and documentation keep infrastructure improvements moving forward.


In order to access funding for improvements to its municipal water system, the City of Easton needed to determine if the city’s 1911 “tin-man” water tower was eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The NRHP is the official list of our nation’s historic places worthy of preservation. For structures such as the Easton Water Tower, eligibility for listing in the NRHP can impact funding opportunities and planning resources.


Through historical research and an on-site assessment, New History demonstrated the water tower’s eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. Designed by the Des Moines Bridge & Iron Company in 1911, the tower is an excellent example of the metal hemispherical-bottom elevated water tanks (commonly referred to as “tin-men”) constructed throughout the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Following the NRHP evaluation, New History also completed a Minnesota Historic Property Record to document the property, allowing the city to move forward with the proposed infrastructure improvements.

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